Since 2016 we’ve offered organizations a suite of optical services for their employees.
All employees of our Corporate Partners receive an automatic €30 discount off their first set of frames. Then employers can choose from any of the following services – all FREE and at your convenience:

Workplace Eye Testing
- We bring the opticians to you
- Full and free eye testing
- Onsite, while employees work
- Health perk, optional test
- We’ll manage all admin & bookings
- 30 minutes per test
- €30 off first frames for everyone
- NO COST to the employer
Find out more below>>

VDU Eye Testing
- We carry out tests onsite
- Where VDU (computer glasses) are required, we advise
- All lenses coated with “Blue Control” tints to improve VDU usage
- Employer pays for eye exam, and contributes towards frames
- Employee can choose from our entire range
- Can be done as part of Workplace Eye Testing
Find out more below>>